Alliances / Alianzas

Meet the associations and companies allied with Imbuk for the creation of their books

Conoce a las asociaciones y empresas aliadas con Imbuk para la creación de sus libros

We are a self-publishing editing house that will allow you to leave your legacy. Your experiences and knowledge are a treasure for your descendants: do not let them be lost. We offer you in-person consultations, online or at your home. For individual books, collective books or family books.



Tus experiencias y conocimientos son un tesoro para tu descendencia: no dejes que se pierdan. Te ofrecemos consultas presenciales, online o a domicilio. Para libros individuales, libros colectivos o libros familiares.

Write and publish your book… even if you don't write.

Escribe y publica tu libro, incluso si nunca has escrito.